Electric Fireplace Insert-Slim Built- Dimplex Fireplace BFSL33

Electric Fireplace Insert-Slim Built- Dimplex Fireplace BFSL33
Electric Fireplace Insert-Slim Built- Dimplex Fireplace BFSL33
Electric Fireplace Insert-Slim Built- Dimplex Fireplace BFSL33

Electric Fireplace Insert-Slim Built- Dimplex Fireplace BFSL33
The BFSL33 slim line built-in firebox includes our patented realistic flame effect and 100% LED lights. This fireplace boasts a large 738 sq. Inch viewing area, removable trim kit, mesh screen and remote control for the ultimate in style and comfort. LED Flame Technology - A blend of technology, artistry and craftsmanship, the patented LED Dimplex® flame technology creates the illusion of a true fire. Pennies a day - Economical to operate: less than 1 cent per hour (flame only) or 7 cents per hour (cycling at 50%).

Supplemental heat - Includes a powerful fan-forced heater designed to heat a room up to 400 square feet, providing supplemental heat when required. Includes a three-stage remote control - control the heat and flame with the touch of a button.

Electric Fireplace Insert-Slim Built- Dimplex Fireplace BFSL33